Family Therapy For Parents


Parenting is a journey filled with challenges and rewards. While most of us spend years at school with experts preparing us for our future careers, few of us have more than the example of our family and friends to guide our parenting skills. The quality of parental skills can significantly impact both the parent and the child. Poor parental skills can lead to myriad issues that affect all family members.

“There is no one “right” way to parent every child. Be the parent your child needs.”

It is so much easier to be the parent you had or wished you had than to be the parent your child needs. From a parental perspective, inadequate skills can result in feelings of frustration, inadequacy, and guilt. Parents may struggle to establish effective communication, discipline, and boundaries, leading to a chaotic and stressful home environment. This can strain the parent-child relationship, causing parents to feel disconnected from their children.

From the child’s perspective, poor parental skills can have detrimental effects on their development and well-being. Children need guidance, support, and a safe environment to grow and thrive. In the absence of these, they may develop behavioral issues, low self-esteem, and poor academic performance. They may also struggle with forming healthy relationships in the future.

Benefit from Consulting with a Parenting Expert

No one can be the perfect parent all of the time. What works well for some kids might not work for others, and even effective strategies can fail in different situations. This is where consulting with a trained professional can help.

To be effective, parents need to develop a set of essential skills then tailor these tactics to your specific child. Perfection is unattainable, and striving for it can be stressful, especially when you run out of ideas. Emotions often hijack our intentions, leading us to be either too harsh or too lenient.

At Worth Relating, our therapists help you navigate these challenges. They teach tried and true methods to encourage and love your children while maintaining your sanity and achieving meaningful development. Our approach balances love and accountability, allowing children to make decisions and learn from the consequences of those choices.

When to Seek Therapy

Skill Development

Family Therapy is beneficial not only during times of difficulty but also as a proactive measure. It can be particularly helpful when navigating significant transitions such as welcoming a new child, adjusting to different developmental stages, or addressing behavioral challenges.

Family Therapy offers a space to reflect on your parenting approach, ensuring you are providing the best possible environment for your child’s growth. It can help you explore how your own childhood experiences may be impacting your ability to connect and train your child.

During therapy you will focus on  strengthening the parent-child relationship, enhancing communication, and making positive adjustments to family life.

When considering separation or divorce, a counselor can provide invaluable support in prioritizing the well-being of the children involved.


How Can Family Therapy Help?

Our approach is collaborative, not confrontational. We work with you to identify challenges and develop constructive solutions. Our therapists are here to share their knowledge and support you in making positive changes. Together, we aim to create an enriching and positive experience for the entire family. Parenting counseling can help you:

Our Counseling Process

Your journey begins with reaching out to us to arrange your initial session. We strive to match you with a therapist who will be a good fit for your family’s unique needs.

The initial evaluation session is an opportunity to establish a connection with the therapist and discuss your family’s history and the reasons you are seeking counseling. The therapist will address any questions you have about our services, confidentiality, and what to expect from the counseling process. Together, you will determine the most beneficial approach for your family.

Following your first session, if you choose to proceed with therapy, you will be invited to schedule additional appointments. In your subsequent sessions, you and your therapist will set goals for your counseling experience and begin the collaborative journey toward achieving them. Sessions are generally 50 minutes long and are held weekly.

Call +1 704 709 5545 and speak to any of our office staff to learn more or schedule an appointment.

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