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Selecting the right therapist increases your chances of achieving your desired results. This isn’t a situation where you can cover your eyes, pick a name, and expect roughly the same results.  A little research and a few conversations can make a huge difference. In fact, if we aren’t the right match we can often make a recommendation for someone who can help in your specific situation.

“Change is the law of life and those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future.” – John F. Kennedy 

Even potentially positive changes such as going back to school, graduating, or entering the workforce can be stressful. Changes in relationships, such as marriage, parenthood, and family dynamics, are also significant. Career shifts, health challenges, relocations, and aging further influence one’s identity and purpose. Each experience brings challenges and opportunities, requiring adaptation and growth. These transitions collectively enrich and diversify the human experience, shaping the paths we take and the people we become.

Change is Difficult

The stress of change can significantly impact individuals and families, often bringing about a range of emotional and psychological challenges. Major life changes can create feelings of anxiety, uncertainty, and instability. For individuals, the pressure to adapt quickly can lead to stress, affecting mental and physical health. Families may experience tension as each member copes differently, sometimes resulting in misunderstandings or conflicts. The need to establish new routines and support systems can be overwhelming, adding to the overall strain. 

How Can Counseling Help?

Counseling during life transitions is essential for support and guidance through significant changes. Counseling offers a safe space to explore emotions and develop coping strategies. It fosters resilience and personal growth, turning transitions into opportunities for self-discovery and positive change, leading to a more balanced and fulfilling life. 


Counseling is a way to take care of yourself so you can better manage stress and be more present to serve others. 

Life transitions don’t just affect you. They tend to involve and affect family, coworkers and friends as well. You may feel like you have to hold it all together and help everyone else deal with their feelings. You may feel like your feelings are a burden to family and friends and will only add to the stress they are already experiencing. At Worth Relating, we are here to nurture you and provide a space where your feelings and needs are the focus.  Counseling can help you:

Our Therapy Process

Your first step is to call us to schedule your initial appointment. We work hard to pair you with a therapist that we believe will be the best fit for you and your current struggles.

Your initial evaluation session provides an opportunity for you to build rapport with the therapist and provide them with some background about yourselves and the reasons you are seeking counseling. In addition, they will be able to answer your questions regarding services, confidentiality, and what to expect in therapy. With your best interests in mind, you will decide together what kind of treatment will benefit you the most. You will also work with your therapist to identify therapeutic goals.

At the end of your first session, if you decide to move forward and work with that therapist, you will be asked to schedule further appointments. 

Call +1 704 709 5545 and speak to any of our office staff to learn more or schedule an appointment.

The Benefits of Couples Therapy

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