Decorate With Love

It may seem cliché, but our lives are really made up of what we remember.  Choosing to focus on and remembering the good times is a great strategy for maintaining a healthy marriage. Pictures and objects play a vital role in what and how we remember things.  If you want to increase your feelings of love for your spouse, surround yourself with pictures and items that celebrate your life together. 

Set The Tone With Pictures

Pictures might include big events like your wedding day or the birth of a child.  They can also include vacation photos or photos from when you are dating.  They might even be photos of just your spouse. The main criteria is that they should make you smile when you look at them and make you remember something positive about your spouse and your shared experiences.

Find Or Create Talismans

A talisman is an object that is believed to have magical properties and to provide protection and good luck to the owner. We tend to save items that have significance to us.  Significant objects like love letters, souvenirs from trips, or special meaningful gifts bring positive memories to the forefront and increase feelings of love for our spouse.   Most relationships can benefit from a talisman or two.

All my life I have wanted to swim with the dolphins.  In 2008 Loftlon and I checked that item off my bucket list.  It was amazing and better than I had anticipated. I wanted a way to remember it.  I knew that looking at myself in a bathing suit with wet, stringy hair was not going to give me the positive glow I was looking for, so I choose to get a little dolphin sculpture.  This sculpture sits in my bedroom, and every time I see it, I am reminded that, I am married to a man who makes my dreams come true. 

Find the items that bring a smile to your face and highlight them in your decorating.

Location, Location, Location

In real estate location is the most important thing in determining value. Location is also important when decorating. To increase the feelings of love you have for your sweetheart, put these pictures and objects in your bedroom, where they will be the first thing you see in the morning and the last thing you see at night. Think of your bedroom as a sacred space for your relationship and decorate it accordingly.

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