Redecorate To Improve Your Marriage

December 16, 2018By Angela WorthMarriage No Comments

It may seem cliché, but our lives are really made up of what we remember.  Choosing to focus on and remembering the good times is a great strategy for maintaining a healthy marriage. Pictures and objects play a vital role in what and how we remember things.  If you want to increase your feelings of … Read More

Positive Ways To Release Negative Emotions

November 2, 2018By Angela WorthMarriage 1 Comment

As a therapist, I learned that the family is a system.  What affects one member, affects all members.  To put it simply, “What goes around, comes around.”  For this reason, it is important to try to inject happiness and humor into the system.  When we choose to be loving and kind, we tend to start … Read More

Choosing To Love Your Spouse

September 27, 2018By Angela WorthMarriage 1 Comment

While we may start out thinking our spouse is perfect, the reality of day to day life quickly makes the love goggles fall off.  As we build a life together we can become hyper-focused on our partner’s weaknesses and the ways in which our marriage is struggling.  The important thing is to realize that no … Read More

Focus On The Problem, Not The Person

July 18, 2018By Angela WorthConflict, Marriage 5 Comments

When we are romantically involved with someone, there is a tendency to think a lot about the person and very little about the relationship.  When we are intimate, we become one with our partner.  As we blend our lives together, we begin to see ourselves as a unit. For this reason their good looks, reflect … Read More

Love Your Spouse with Praise

July 13, 2018By Angela WorthMarriage 2 Comments

Praise lets people know that they are respected, appreciated and that their efforts are noticed in a positive way. Praise has the power to actually changes people’s brain chemistry.  Studies have shown that when we are praised we experience a release of dopamine in the brain.  Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that causes a host of … Read More

Redecorate To Improve Your Marriage

May 16, 2018By Angela WorthMarriage 1 Comment

It may seem cliché, but our lives are really made up of what we remember.  Choosing to focus on and remembering the good times is a great strategy for maintaining a healthy marriage. Pictures and objects play a vital role in what and how we remember things.  If you want to increase your feelings of … Read More