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Having a true partner in life can make the highs and lows of life better.

Why Touch Matters

There are many ways to motivate and train children that do not involve formal correction. Why Correction Is Necessary Using discipline is often unpleasant for.
Time Out Woman

Using Time-Out To Correct Behavior Issues

There are many ways to motivate and train children that do not involve formal correction. Why Correction Is Necessary Using discipline is often unpleasant for.
Positivity Road Sign

Positive Language Gets Results

There are many ways to motivate and train children that do not involve formal correction. Why Correction Is Necessary Using discipline is often unpleasant for.
Happy Couple Man Woman Holding Hands

Your Marriage Is Probably Better Than You Think

Usually, each day we wake up we can predict how our day will go. We have an outlined schedule that we follow, and we adapt.

Love Your Spouse with Praise

Usually, each day we wake up we can predict how our day will go. We have an outlined schedule that we follow, and we adapt.
Woman Laptop Bed

Focus On The Problem, Not The Person

Usually, each day we wake up we can predict how our day will go. We have an outlined schedule that we follow, and we adapt.
Happy Couple Red Dress

Choosing To Love Your Spouse

Captain’s Log. Day eight of quarantine. Work has been busy; I’m grateful for the technology we have to collaborate and continue business during this time..

Redecorate To Improve Your Marriage

Today, it feels like everything has changed—it’s either been closed, postponed, or canceled. Some states have officially shut down. You’re working from home, while watching.

Positive Ways To Release Negative Emotions

We’ve been taught by our parents that it’s important to be polite. We’ve been told that saying “please” and “thank you” are necessary to show.