Choosing To Love Your Spouse

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Nobody is perfect.
While we may start out thinking our spouse is perfect, the reality of day to day life quickly makes the love goggles fall off. As we build a life together we can become hyper-focused on our partner’s weaknesses and the ways in which our marriage is struggling. The important thing is to realize that no one and no relationship is perfect.

“Your marriage is your love story,” says Angela Worth. “You are writing it every day.”

Choosing to focus on the good will go along way to making you happy in your marriage. Your home and thoughts should be full of artifacts that tell a story in which you are proud to participate.

The Rule of 80/20

Studies have shown that most married couples are 80% compatible. In happy relationships, people focus on the 80 percent overlap and downplay the 20 percent differences. In unhappy relationships, this focus shifts. Both partners are focused on what is lacking in their relationship. Even though there is still a lot of common ground, the good times and similarities are dismissed. If this trend is left unchecked, it often leads to divorce

Focus on the positive

Wherever you are in your marriage you can use the understanding of the 80/20 rule to bring peace and happiness into your life. Once you realize that perfection is not possible, you can let go of the idea that your spouse is letting you down, and start focusing on how they are building you up. Marital satisfaction increases the more you appreciate your spouse and the life you are creating together.

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